Flicken's Blog

Ich bin Flicken, ja! Traditional Islam, food, guns, camping, grammar, Canadianna, Arabic, stuff.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Muslim Obama Supporters: Please Have Your Heads Checked

It is beyond me how some American Muslims are touting Obama as the greatest thing since, um, I'm not really sure since what, but since something great anyways.

Let's check the facts:
  1. Obama has openly and unequivocally pledged support for Israel. Do you think he was joking?
  2. Obama has made every attempt to distance himself from his father's (arguably former) Islamic roots. People like this usually feel the need to make a point; in order to show his loyalty to America and Christianity, he's likely going to be more anti-Muslim than he needs to be to keep the favour of the huge pro-Israeli lobby on Capitol Hill. This phenomenon is actually quite common among African-American officers in the US Army: they often give other African-Americans a hard time to show them they're not going to take it easy on them just because they're the same race.
  3. The guy is a democrat. As if immoral foreign policy wasn't enough, here comes a wave of domestic moral relativism. Expect more abortions and gay rights.
I'm not suggesting for one minute that McCain is a better candidate. I really don't think it makes a difference at this point: for so many foreign policy decisions, the point of no return is a faded memory. There is no turning back on Iraq and Afghanistan, and support for Israel is a part of the catechism of every realistic presidential candidate.

As a reminder, Muslims and Arabs voted as a bloc for Bush in 2000. The vote was so close that Muslim and Arab support was clearly a factor in Bush's success. The issue at hand was that Muslims and Arabs were mortified that Liebermann, a devout Jew and Israeli citizen, might become Vice President of the United States of America. "We voted as a bloc! We helped Bush succeed!", people were announcing in the mosques. Allah taught us a lesson: whoever seeks dignity through anything other than Allah is humiliated.

Sorry, I don't have a workable solution today, just some grumpy ruminations. Whether you vote or not, it doesn't make a difference: expect more invasions of Muslim countries and undying support for Israel.


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