Flicken's Blog

Ich bin Flicken, ja! Traditional Islam, food, guns, camping, grammar, Canadianna, Arabic, stuff.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Returning to American Fundamentals

OK, so some days I'm grumpy. Today I'm not.

The fundamental principles of the founding of America are very enlightened. Any society where people can be brought in as slaves and then fight civilly for equal rights and win has some fundamental good in it. It just so happens that shortsighted jingoistic idiots have ruined America's name internationally, brought its economy to the brink of bankruptcy, and replaced its moral values with a directionless state of moral relativism. (Did I mention that I'm not grumpy today?)

Over the past few weeks, glimpses of that fundamental good have resurfaced. First, there was the Boumediene vs. Bush decision, that said that the Military Commissions Act was an unconstitutional suspension of habeas corpus rights. Today, in the District of Columbia vs. Heller, the Supreme Court banished the 32 year old prohibition of owning handguns in the nation's rotten core. The District of Columbia's handgun laws were as bad as Canada's laws. I am hopeful that there will be a drop in crime now that law-abiding citizens can own handguns, insha' Allah.


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